Towards a turning point in the way of working

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In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic, people should understand the opportunities of smart working or “lavoro agile” in Italy, which can now be implemented even beyond the current emergency. This is the start of the desired revolution I was talking about in this article three years ago.

Smart work is the organization of work that is no longer focused on the physical presence of the worker, but instead on objectively measurable results. This method values performance over scheduled work time. It is a matter of promoting a culture of work organization for objective results, placing the responsibility of work on the worker: the concept of accountability.

This requires respecting individual workers and working groups, empowering the worker, and fostering relationships based on mutual trust.

Smart working is the change of the third millennium resulting from the application of ICT in work organizations. Recently introduced in the Italian Labour Law in 2017, smart working allows an individual to work remotely, preferably in one’s own home. In my opinion, the effects of smart working on job satisfaction and work-related stress will be decisive for legislative reforms both in Italy and in the USA.

The concept of accountability serves to avoid remote monitoring systems that compromise worker privacy. If the results are positive, it does not matter how you achieve it or how long it takes you. You become responsible for achieving your goals as a result. It may also make sense to measure the productivity of the activities carried out by all the employees. This can be done through a system of periodic questionnaires, reports. or even through remote interviews that were previously decided by an employer.

It is suggested that a legislator will maintain this admirable diligence even beyond the emergency, and that smart working becomes a normal way of working in our current digital, telematic, and automated society. Everyone would benefit from it, from employees to freelancers and businessmen, and it would increase productivity. There is no doubt that the fact of not being forced into a sedentary job can only benefit emotional health and, consequently, also the efficiency of a business.

Milano, 8 Aprile 2020 Avv. Giovanni Bonomo – A.L. Chief Innovation Officer

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