Legal counsel specializing in social security law for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), entrepreneurs, and professionals.
Whether you have employees or you are a sole proprietor, we stand by your side to tackle social security issues. A.L.’s lawyers are ready to collaborate with your accountant, labor consultant, and in-house legal counsel in a constructive atmosphere to address the social security issues that trouble you, often with civil and tax implications.
For example:
Assistance is provided through consulting as well as in contentious proceedings in opposition to tax claims and, if necessary, in administrative proceedings. Our aim is to identify effective solutions in line with the client’s interests. Where necessary, if you do not already have trusted professionals, A.L. Assistenza Legale can also provide you with the support of an accountant and a labor consultant.
Ove sia necessario, e tu già non ti avvalga di professionisti di tua fiducia, AL Assistenza Legale è altresì in grado di fornirti l’ausilio di un commercialista e di un consulente del lavoro.